Into Temptation. By A. Perrin. 2 Vole, (f. V. White
and Co ).—This is but a poor story in respect of literary merit or interest, and not particularly wholesome. The heroine marries a foolish and disagreeable man in order to get......
Social Aims. By The Earl And Countess Of Meath. (wells
(lardner, Darton, and Co.)—Most of the essays contained in this volume have already appeared in various periodicals, and some of them have been noticed in the Spectator. The......
Travois In Egypt And Palestine. By M. Augusta Brewster, F
Nisbet and Co )—We can only hope that the pious wishes which the author expresses in her preface will be fulfilled. If they are, there will be a justification for the book which......
Catalogue Of Cambridge Books. By Robert Bowes. (macmillan...
Cambridge.)—This volume now appears in a com- plete form. Two parts have been already published, one having been put forth by Mr. Bowes four, and a second two, years ago. Its......
Memoirs Of Anne C. L. Botta. Written By Her Friends.
(Isbister and Co.)—Without intending the slightest disrespect to the memory of the late Mrs. Botta, it must be said that these post- mortem eulogies written by a number of her......