A CRUCIAL TEST OF THE PAPAL THEORY.* THIS volume is clever and well written, and makes a great. show of learning. But there is really nothing new in it Bellarmine said long ago......
Is Not The Principle Of Social Evolution Rational?
[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] have read with much interest your notices of "Social Evolution," in the Spectator of July 28th, and agree with you in refusing to accept Mr.......
The Ethics Of Tax-dodging.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your interesting article, in the Spectator of August 4th, on "The Ethics of Tax-Dodging," you write :—" He who knowingly introduces......
A Collie At Work.
[To TER EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—We stood at the bottom of a deep valley with the hills rising abruptly on either side, when Robert Scott said : "Yonder is the sheep I......
A History Of The Christian Church During The First Six
CENTURIES. [To THE EDITOR OF TRH "SPECTATOR."] SIE, — In your not unkind notice of my Church History in the Spectator of August 4th, you say:—" Doubtless there are satisfactory......
AN ARAB PROVERB.—" MEN ARE FOUR.' THE man who knows not that he knows not aught— He is a fool ; no light shall ever reach him. Who knows he knows not, and would fain be taught—......