A New York Telegram Of Thursday Gives An Extraordinarily...
picture of the destruction of the Ragnvald Jarl,' the vessel which conveyed the Wellman Arctic Expedition. Cap- tain Bottolfsen, whose statement has been cabled to America from......
Captain Lang, Late Of The Chinese Naval Service, Has Given
some interesting information to a Reuter reporter. The Chinese Navy has, he says, excellent stuff in it, and, on the whole, is about equal to the Japanese. All depends on hove .......
Mr. Reid, The New Premier Of New South Wales, Speaking
in Sydney on Wednesday, laid down the policy of the new Government. This includes the entire recasting of the -financial system of the Colony, and comprises a sweeping......
Mr. Gladstone Is Evidently Determined,—wisely Determined,...
drawn into taking sides on political questions now that he has deserted the political arena. Two letters of his have been published this week, one explaining that his recent......
We Note With Pleasure That The Association For Public- House
Reform, agreed upon at the recent meeting at Grosvenor House, has already got under way. The annual subscription has been put at 2s. 6d., in order that the help and sympathy of......
The Annual Report Of The Irish Land Commission Shows That
steady progress is taking place under the Purchase Acts of 1885 and 1891. In the year ending March 31st last no less than 3,751 loans were issued, amounting to L1,443,751.......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.
New Consols (2-1) were on Friday, 1021.......
The Naval Mancenvres Were Concluded This Week. The ,...
doubtless useful to the sailors, has not been intelligible to the public ; but the mobilisation of the feet has brought out most strongly the terribly undermanned -condition of......
In The Times Of Tuesday, Lord Brassey Makes A Moderate
and not inequitable proposal in regard to the British East Africa Company. He pleads for "reasonable consideration towards a body of shareholders of whom it may with confidence......