Mr. Chamberlain's Speech, In Reply To Mr. E. J. Morton,
was the most powerful speech of Tuesday's debate, and he showed conclusively how imaginary were the facts as to evictions on which the Gladstonians found the indictments which......
Captain Lang, Late Of The Chinese Naval Service, Has Given
some interesting information to a Reuter reporter. The Chinese Navy has, he says, excellent stuff in it, and, on the whole, is about equal to the Japanese. All depends on hove .......
The Times Of Monday Contains A Long And Careful Account,
of the present state of the Chinese Army. The Black Flag army of Li Hung Chang, the force which the great Chinaman has been working at for the last twenty-five years, and which......
Again, Said Lord Salisbury, How Inscrutable Is The Ether....
a long time the ether had merely furnished "a nominative case to the verb to undulate," and, except as a medium for undulations, nothing was known of it. Once more, how wholly......
Lord Salisbury, As Chancellor Of Oxford University, Is...
President of the British Association this year at its Oxford meeting, and we must say that he showed himself on Wednesday much better able to interpret scientific ideas to the......
One Of The Most Interesting As Well As The Most
authentic , things that have appeared in regard to the Corean situation is a letter from Mrs. Bishop (Miss Isabella Bird), published in the St. .Tames'e Gazette of Wednesday.......
On Monday The Trial Of Thirty Anarchists Of The Reflective
and philosophical kind, selected out of three hundred arrested as be- longing to an association of malefactors, was begun at the Paris Assize Courts, but with closed doors, or......