Sin,—I desire to draw the attention of your readers to the appeal issued by the National Trust for subscriptions for the purchase of the shore of Derwentwater, in order that it may be preserved for public enjoyment for ever. The appeal is as follows :-
"An opportunity which may not recur has arisen. If the lovers of the English Lake District will lend their help, a mile of the shore of Derwentwater and woods and meadows adjacent can be secured for ever from the woodcutter's axe and the speculative builder, and will become the permanent possession of the nation for the pleasure and enjoyment of the people. The owner of what is known as the Brandlehow Park Estate, who is in sympathy with the objects of the National Trust, is willing to sell to the Trust his property on Derwentwater. This property, roughly speaking, is 108 acres in extent, and lies along the sloping ground under Catbels, between Hawse End and Brandlehow. The estate stretches from the shores of the lake to the road which borders the unenclosed common of Catbels, and the frontage to the lake allows of an easy approach by water. The estate is well wooded, and timber to a considerable value is growing upon it. The peculiar charm of the ground in question was well known to Robert Southey, who constantly took his water parties across to .Otterbield Bay, which forms the northern end of the property. The views of the Lake, Skiddaw, Blencathra, and St. Herbert's Island aa seen from the grounds are very beautiful. At present the Derwentwater shores are entirely in the hands of private owners, and there are only three or four public landing places ; not only, therefore, on account of the beauty of the estate itself, but as a means of preserving access to the Lake and preserving its shores from disfigurement, the acquisition of the Brandlehow
Park Estate for the public is of the highest importance. It will be necessary to raise £7,000; of this £1,000 is already promised; it is earnestly hoped that those interested in the preservation of natural beauty will enable the Trust to carry through this im- portant scheme. The owner allows the National Trust six months in which to raise the necessary sum. Bis dat qui eV° dot.
Subscriptions or promises should be sent to: —Sir Robert Hunter, Chairman, Reform Club, Pall Mall, S.W.; Canon Rawnsley, Hon. Sec., Crosthwaite Vicarage, Keswick ; Miss Octavio. Hill, 190 Marylebone Road, London, N.W. ; Miss H. Yorke, Hon. Treasurer, 190 Marylebone Road, London, N.W. ; the Secretary. National Trust, 1 Great College Street, Westminster. Cheques and Postal Orders to be crossed 'National Provincial Bank of England.'
Already promised :—Anonymous (per Kyrie Society), £500; Miss Octavia Hill's fellow-workers in management of houses, £200; Sir John Brunner, Bart., M.P., £100; Mrs. Lynch (per Miss 0. Hill), £100; F. Marshall, Esq.' 4100; H. Philips, Esq., £100; John Martineau, Esq. (per Miss 0. Hill), £50; Mrs. Talbot, £50; Horace St. Trustees, .£50."
It may be as well to remind your readers that if the National Trust is enabled to acquire the property, it will be held under conditions which will secure in the best possible way the public use and enjoyment.--I am, Sir, &c.,
[We most heartily endorse the appeal of the Trust, and sincerely hope that the money will be obtained. The nation will be under a deep debt of gratitude to the National Trust if by its means the right of the public to enjoy the beauties of Derwentwater without let or hindrance can be secured.—ED. Spectator.]