11 MAY 1901, page 3

We Trust That The Appeal Made By The National Trust

for funds to purchase a portion of the shore of Derwentwater which appears in another column will meet with a prompt response. We congratulate the National Trust most heartily......

We Regret To Record The Death In The Herzegovina Of

Mr. William Clarke, a journalist of whose skill as a meta- physician and as a literary critic of a high order our readers have had many proofs during the last few years. Though......

A Great Sensation Has Been Caused Throughout America By A

panic on the New York Stock Exchange. During the past fortnight the mania for speculation has reached heights previously unknown, even across the Atlantic. Prices have been......

Anti-cbamberlainism As The Basis Of A Political Creed...

to inconsistency and bad logic. "The first duty of every Englishman who loves his country," says the Daily News, " should be to get rid of Mr. Chamberlain." But at a great......

The Unrevised Summary Returns Of The Census Published...

week give 32,525,716 for the population of England and Wales, as against 29,002,525 in 1891, or an increase over estimate of 168,985. The returns for the 62 administrative......

Mr. Balfour Made An Excellent Speech At The Meeting Of

the Primrose League on Wednesday. After very pertinently reminding his hearers that, because at the moment we do not hear much of Home-rule, we must not suppose that Home. rule......

The Monmouth Election Affords Strong Proof Of The...

popular opinion in regard to the war on which we have again and again insisted. Though the constituency is in South Wales, that is, in a district necessarily affected by the......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

New Consols (2f) were on Friday 94.......