Mr. Balfour made an excellent speech at the meeting of
the Primrose League on Wednesday. After very pertinently reminding his hearers that, because at the moment we do not hear much of Home-rule, we must not suppose that Home. rule is dead, he pointed out that the Irish had apparently adopted a new method of attack, and were going to try "to bore us into Home-rule." Turning to South Africa, Mr. Balfour congratu:ated the country on the perseverance and pluck with which it had sustained the burden of the war. It was pro- phesied that the people of this country would soon tire of the war, but in spite of its length, of the many disappointments, and of the weight of taxation which they had to bear, they had shown a firmness and a fortitude worthy of the best traditions of the nation. We agree. General Buller told us at the most trying moment of the campaign in Natal,—" the men are splendid." The same thing may be said of the rank- and-file of the electors.