The Recent Census Of Australia Shows That While The Free-
trade Colony of New South Wales has largely increased its population, the Colony of Victoria, which is Protectionist, has lost fifty thousand souls. This is a great blow to......
News Of The Week.
T HE war news for the past week is exactly like that which we chronicled last Saturday. There have been con- siderable captures of men, horses, oxen, rifles, and stores, but no......
The Paris Correspondent Of The Times Sends A Valuable Letter
about Vatican politics, upon which we have commented at length elsewhere. We may, however, mention here that he represents Cardinal Rampolla as anxious to retire, in order that......
The Representatives Of The Powers At Pekin Have Finally...
to forward to the Empress-Regent a demand for 05,000,000 as indemnity, leaving her to suggest the way in which it should be raised. She will, it is believed, suggest the raising......
There Has Been A Change Of Ministry In Prussia Of
some importance. On May 3rd the Chambers were suddenly called together and informed that the Session was at an end. Count von Billow explained the reason, which was that owing......
The International Armies Are Silently Withdrawing From...
have gone, the French are under orders, the Anglo-Indians depart regiment by regiment, and the Germans only await a despatch accepting the indemnity "in principle." The Russians......