11 MAY 1901, page 24

We Have To Record The Fourth Annual Issue Of Burdeti's

Official Nursing Directory, compiled and edited by Sir Henry Burdett (scientific Press, 32. net). An important change has been made in this publication. It has been divided, so......

The Songs Of Alcants : Memoir, Text, And Translations. By

James S. Easby-Smith. (W. H. Lowdermilk and Co., Washington.)— Mr. Easby-Smith has given us a neat and convenient edition of the fragments of Alcreus, prefixing to it a Life......

The We Of John Warne, Bishop Of Rochester, 1637 - 1666. By

Edward Lee-Warner. (Mitchell and Hughes.)—Bishop Warner seems to have been one of the prelates who, under the leadership of Archbishop Laud, made the Church of England more......

New Editions. — The Life And Poetical Works Of George...

his Son. (j. Murray. 65. net.)—This edition seems to be identical with the octavo volume that has been familiar to us for fifty years and more. There has been some good......

Landscapes Ef The Bible And Their. Story. (eyre And Spottis-

v code. 2s. 6d.)—This little volume gives us fifty landscapes (photo- graphs coloired) of famous Bible localities, each accompanied by a page of description. It is commended by......

There Is So Strong A Reaction Towards Mysticism, Not Of

the thaumaturgic but of the contemplative kind, that many readers will, we doubt not, be glad to be notified of Dialogues on the Supersensual Life, by Jacob Behmen, edited by......

The British Gardener. By William Williamson. (methuen And...

6d.)—If the owner of a garden, whether he be pro- fessional or amateur, does nog attain good results, it is not from want of advice. Mr. Williamson gives eminently practical......

The Stage In America, 1897 - 1900. By Norman Hapgood....

Co. 7s. 6d.)—What is a reviewer to do when the subject of a book lies wholly outside his knowledge ? He can say whether it is readable or not, and the less familiar the topic,......