Felix Reville Brunot. By Charles Lewis Slattery....
6s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Brunot was of French descent; his grandfather was a foster-brother of Lafayette and a comrade in the War of Independence. He began life as an engineer, but,......
Some Books Of The Week.
filnder this heading us notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for revioto in other forma.] Napoleon: /a Derni&e Phase. Tradnit de l'Anglais par Augustin Filon.......
Current Literature.
BIBLIOTHRQUE UNIVERSELLE. In the May number of the RibUotheque Universelle (Place de la Louve, Lausanne ; Hachette et Cie., London ; 2 fr. 50 c.) M. Talliehet, the editor,......
Without Making Any Pretence To An Exhaustive Treatment Of...
subject, Mr. C. F. Abdy Williams's Handel (" Master Musicians Series," J. M. Dent, 3s. 6d.) gives a pleasant and unaffected account of the life and works of the great Saxon......
Novels Of The Week.*
THE volume of short stories gathered together under the title of Tales that are Told is the result of co-operation not col- laboration, two being from the pen of Miss Jane......