11 MAY 1901, Page 15


Sin,—Sublime mountain scenery appears to have produced on the mind of Sir Joseph Hooker an impression akin to those described in your deeply interesting article and correspon- dence. In a description which I have always thought one of the most eloquent in Alpine literature, he writes :—

" I have never before or since seen anything which for sublimity, beauty, and marvellous effects, could compare with what I gazed

on that evening from Choonjerma Pass [in East Nepal] In such scenes and with such accompaniments, the mind wanders from the real to the ideal, the larger and brighter lamps of heaven lead us to imagine that we have risen from the surface of our globe and are floating through the regions of space, and that the ceaseless murmur of the waters is the Music of the Spheres." ("Himalayan Journals," Vol. I., pp. 266-68.)

Theydan Copt, Epping.