of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—In the advertisement " The Story of Coal No. 7.—The Owners' Offer to the Miners," which appeared in your last' issue, there is an incorrect statement in the second paragraph, relating to the lowest paid men. The statement reads " They (the owners) have offered an increase in their minimum wage of two-fifths and an increase in their subsistence wage of one-eighth." The sentence should read : " They have offered an increase in their minimum wage to 40 per cent. (two-fifths). on the standard, and an increase in their subsistence wage, of one-eighth." The error, 'which I very greatly regret, occurred through an attempt to simplify the terms of the offer by expressing them in the form of a fraction instead of a per- centage. It was only discovered when it was too late to send you the necessary correction. I should be much obliged if you would publish this letter in your next issue.—I am, Sir, &c...„ PEILISP GEE.
40 King Street, Covent Garden, W.C. 2,