12 APRIL 1924, page 2

The Result Of The Italian Elections Is That In The

Chamber there will be together 374 Fascisti, 65 Socialists and Communists, 40 Giolittian Democrats, 17 Social Demo- crats, and 39 " other parties." The total number of members......

There Has Never Been A More Confused Or More Un-

satisfactory Labour situation than the one which is threatening to lead to a national lock-out in the ship- yards. We do not pretend to understand, still less to judge, of the......

It Is Really An Elaborate Scheme Of " Unproportional...

and as such it seems to have considerable merit. After all, any system with local single-member constituencies such as our own might be extremely unfair to such a movement as......

In The House Of Commons On Friday, April 4th, The

second reading of the Guardianship of Infants Bill was carried without a division. The Bill provides that the mother of every legitimate child shall be the guardian jointly with......

While Expressing Our Thorough Agreement With The...

Bill, we must point out that there may be a danger. In a letter to the Times, Mf. Claud Mullins has shown that when the responsibility for the regis- tration of births rested......

Last. Sunday Baron Matsui Made An Important State- Ment To

the Times correspondent on the Japanese attitude to the Singapore scheme. It goes far to sub- stantiate the view we have all along held, that whatever polite assurances might be......

As Regards The Nature Of Control, The Experts Propose That

the German railways shall be converted into a com- pany with a capital of £750,000,000. Half of the managing board will be nominated by trustees under the Reparation Commission.......

The Abandonment Of The Scheme Will Unquestionably Allow...

slacken her own naval construction, which she naturally will be glad to do. If we had pro- ceeded with the construction of the base, she would unquestionably have increased and......