A Remarkable Discussion On The Moral Aspects Of Birth...
which was very significant of the movement of thought, took place at the conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship at Birmingham on Tuesday. A report which was......
The Question Of Waterloo Bridge Came Before The London...
Council on Tuesday, when it was agreed to accept the proposal of the Improvements Committee. The Committee had asked for a vote on account of £1,000,000 to reconstruct and widen......
In The House Of Conunons On Tuesday Mr. Shaw, The
Minister of Labour, moved the second reading of the Unemployment Insurance (No. 3) Bill. It substitutes a maximum period of 41 weeks of benefit for the 26 weeks prescribed by......
We Cannot Find, Within The Limits Of Journalistic...
strong enough to record our agree- ment with the widespread and growing public protest at the action of the British Empire Exhibition authorities in disfiguring the magnificent......
While Expressing Our Thorough Agreement With The...
Bill, we must point out that there may be a danger. In a letter to the Times, Mf. Claud Mullins has shown that when the responsibility for the regis- tration of births rested......
We Tell In Our Leading Columns The Whole Lamentable Story
of the Government's handling of their Rents Bill and their subsequent defeat. The solution which Mr. MacDonald has found to bring him out of the impasse that resulted on......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 3 Per Cent.
July 5, 1923 ; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 102 k ; Thursday week, 1024- ; a year ago, 10211.......