A remarkable discussion on the moral aspects of birth control,
which was very significant of the movement of thought, took place at the conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship at Birmingham on Tuesday. A report which was submitted to the conference by a Commission of Investigation, showed that the members were divided on the subjects of both birth control and divorce. A resolution was moved urging the Churches, either generally or unitedly, to investigate the matter of birth control with the intention of offering " definite guidance to perplexed consciences." Mrs. E. F. Wise declared that if instruction on birth control was often given in the wrong way by the wrong people it was the fault of the Churches, which, as Professor Lofthouse had already remarked, had been " content to judge, forbid and hold up hands in pious horror." The subsequent discussion showed that the real issue was between contraception and abstention. We hope that members of the C.O.P.E.C. will read what Lord Dawson has said with singular good sense and in noble language on this subject.