As Though To Make That Point Plain, The Committee Goes
on to make the further assumption that " German economic activity will be unhampered by any form of control organization other than that provided for in the scheme." All......
The Committee Draws A Sharp Distinction Between Germany's...
and her capacity to make external payments, and remarks that failure to recognize this distinction has been " the most fruitful source of difficulty." It is recommended that the......
News Of The Week.
T HE issue of their Reports on Wednesday by the two Expert Committees on Reparations is the most important event in foreign politics that has happened for many months. The......
The Dawes Committee Points Out That It Is Useless To
build any constructive scheme " except on a basis of good faith," and they rely on all parties to carry out the scheme on such a basis. That is perfectly true. It is worth while......
As Regards The Nature Of Control, The Experts Propose That
the German railways shall be converted into a com- pany with a capital of £750,000,000. Half of the managing board will be nominated by trustees under the Reparation Commission.......