12 APRIL 1924, page 16


THIS WEEK'S BOOKS. COUNT LEON ToLsroi comes forward with an attempt to show the peace and placidity of Tolstoi's family life. " Tur- geniev," he states, " spoke with envy of......

Books Of The Moment.

THE VAGARIOUS POLE STAR. The Pilgrimage of Festus. By Conrad Aiken. (Martin Seeker. 5s. net.) The Sleeping Beauty. By Edith Sitwell. (Duckworth. 5s. net.) Ma. D. H. LAWRENCE,......

Squibs And Marvels.

Eyeless Sight. By Jules Romains. Trans. by C. K. Ogden. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 58.) A Critical Examination of Psycho-Analysis. By A. Wohlgemuth, D.Sc. (Allen and Unwin. 10s. 6d.)......