LOVE IN CHILDREN. By Oskar Pfister. Translated by Eden and
Cedar Paul. (Allen and Unwin. 24s. net.)
• In this volume the Swiss pastor reviews the history of love in the ages, to the great comfort of us moderns, and then turns lovingly to the study of its workings in the souls of the young. For the love-sentiment, he asserts, and its development is the true object of the educator's care. • The schoolmasters of to-day are pitiably and dangerously wrong if they forget it, and the examination system has no more hideous consequence than this, that they so frequently do so. They are indeed in a sad position by the very nature of the case, and will be helped as much from outside, by every parent who studies such a book so that the goods may reach the schools unharmed, as from within, by their own deeper appreciation of their true function. This book has the merit of being the work of a happy man, and is a tribute to the author's own development of the precious sentiment he handles. He feels true wonder at the multiple riches of the under-mind of the child. " With so much given us," he says in effect, " almost anything is possible," and the father and mother who are unhappy about what is happening to their children may well go to. bed refreshed from reading it, saying to themselves, " Why, it ought to be quite easy to be a jolly good parent, after all ! " We heartily agree.