The Portfolio. June. (Seeleys.)—The feature of this number is M. Rend Mdnard's account of the great French painter M. Gerome, illustrated with an example of the master in photogravure. The se- lection is not perhaps very happy. A young man richly dressed in Oriental costume, walking with his dogs in a garden of tropical plants, is clearly a subject which must depend in no small degree for its interest on the colouring and the outlines. These latter are not very clearly given, and the figure, though faithfully representing the African type as modified in the Egyptian race, has little grace or dignity. The sketch of M. Gerome's artistic work and position is very vivacious and interesting. The editor contributes an article on Etty which deals ehiefly with the artist's pre-artiatic life, and which is. we suppose and hope, to be continued ; and Mr. J. W. Comyns Carr one on the collection of Albert Dfirer's drawings in the British Museum. The "Technical Note "includes some details of Mr. William Wyld's practice. Mr. Wyld, we see, thinks "all vehicles to be dangerous," and " loathes " French ultramarine.