Ram Dare. By Charles Felix. 3 Vols. (tinsley...
from whom the tale takes its title is an Indian merchant, located in some one of the manufacturing towns of the North. He is a villain of the deepest dye, a profligate, a......
Among New Guide-books, We May Mention, A Hfund-bookar...
Algeria. (Murray.)—This, it should be explained, is an entirely new work, which has been substituted by the publisher for that which before appeared under the same title. The......
In Saying, Without Pledging Ourselves To The Accuracy Of Mr.
Green- wood's observation or memory. For our own part s where we can test his accounts, we find them accurate as well as graphic. No dweller in the neighbourhood of Highgate,......
Zincke's "triptych "—to Use His Own Description—is Less...
the two which have preceded it. There is something in it suggestive of hammering out material, and a tendency to preachiness in the style, which the reader is peculiarly......