12 JUNE 1875, page 2

The Debate On The Judicature Bill Commenced In The House

of Commons on Thursday, but none of the political leaders spoke, the discussion being left to the lawyers in the House. No new arguments were employed, and the only reason......

To This Mr. Forster Replied That, In Spite Of These

figures, seven- eighths ef the town population had placed themselves under School Boards, while ninety-eight per cent of this population had accepted compulsion as the rule of......

The Home Secretary Explained On Thursday Night What He...

to do by way of change in the Labour laws, and in the Law of Conspiracy as it affects the Labour laws. Two Bills are to be introduced, one to effect the alteration necessary as......

A Dispute Of A Somewhat Serious Kind Exists As To

a sentence supposed to have been uttered by Lord Derby in his answer to Earl Russell about the British offer 'a mediation between France and Germany. According to the Wolff......

An Influential Public Meeting Was Held At The Mansion House

on Thursday to forward the application of the Cambridge Uni- versity Extension Scheme to London. Under this scheme the Cambridge Syndicate forwards to any place which desires......

Sir John D. Hay, Member For -stamford, Has Again Been

before the public this week. It will be remembered that he was Chair- man of the Canadian Oil Works Corporation, the Company which bought some exhausted oilworks of one......

The Belgian Minister Of Justice Has Introduced Into The...

of „Deputies the Government Bill for preventing offences like that of Duchesne :—"Any person offering to commit or become an accomplice in any crime punishable by death or penal......

The Government Is Beginning To Understand That It Is Not

se easy to act on Mr. Disraeli's apophthegm, " Omnia aanitaa," ancl that strong Health Bills are very difficult to pass. It seems quite easy to decree that rivers shall not be......

Among Sir Stafford Northcate'a Recent Weaknesses, Not The...

been the concession, in the Friendly Societies' Bill, of a maximum of a £6 insurance to cover the cost of a child's funeral. It is a most dangerous principle to let people......

Mr. Dixon Brought Forward On Wednesday His Motion For...

compulsory education, by the agency of School Boards, to the whole country, and received some valuable support in the shape of very emphatic testimony from Mr. Ramsay,—somewhat......