Abraham : His Life, Times, And Travels, As By A
Contemporary. By the Rev. R. Allen. (Henry S. King and Co.)—The author seeks in this book to give to the story of Abraham a more real appearance, and at the same time to......
Scripture Proverbs, Illustrated, Annotated, And Applied....
and Stoughton.)—We have always found it especially difficult to review Mr. Jacox's most remarkable books. Happily he is now so well known, that it is hardly necessary. Yet it......
Jocelyn's Mistake. By Mrs. J. K. Spender. (hurst And...
The moderation of its title is the only instance of that quality in Mrs. Spender's novel. Jocelyn—who is a lady—does nothing throughout the three volumes devoted to her history......
Current Literature.
The Portfolio. June. (Seeleys.)—The feature of this number is M. Rend Mdnard's account of the great French painter M. Gerome, illustrated with an example of the master in......
In Saying, Without Pledging Ourselves To The Accuracy Of Mr.
Green- wood's observation or memory. For our own part s where we can test his accounts, we find them accurate as well as graphic. No dweller in the neighbourhood of Highgate,......
Novel And Melodrama.*
Ax utterly preposterous story may make an effective melodrama, and Mr. Farjeon would have done well to offer his manuscript to some stage manager. Fine sentiments, an exciting......