A Dispute Of A Somewhat Serious Kind Exists As To
a sentence supposed to have been uttered by Lord Derby in his answer to Earl Russell about the British offer 'a mediation between France and Germany. According to the Wolff......
News Of The Week.
T HE new Committee of Thirty at Versailles has reported on the Supplementary. Constitutional Laws. It accepts them as a -whole, but recommends that the President shall not......
The Fiji Islands Have Been Annexed, And The Islanders, As
usual, are passing away. A British ship, it appears, landed there some returned emigrants ill with measles, and these men scattered to their homes. The disease being considered......
No Decisive News Has Arrived From Burmah, But The Little
there is is unfavourable. The King, it is stated, has received the Chinese General Leesetahi, the reputed author of the attack on Mr. Margary, with the highest honours, and Sir......
At Tuesday's Afternoon Sitting Took Place The Debate On The
- National Debt (Sinking Fund) Bill, in which Mr. Gladstone took even a more prominent part than in the attack on the Savings- banks Bill, charging Sir Stafford Northcote,......
Sir Stafford Northcote Floundered Through The...
night at great cost to himself, and without, as 'far as we can see, getting any substantial legislation out of it, except the permission to invest some of the funds in "Con-......