Among new Guide-books, we may mention, a hfund-bookAr Travellers in
Algeria. (Murray.)—This, it should be explained, is an entirely new work, which has been substituted by the publisher for that which before appeared under the same title. The author, it seems, has long resided in Algeria ; further, we read in the preface that, "not satisfied with past experiences, the author, in order to render this volume as perfect and accurate as possible, undertook extensive journeys during the present year (1874), traversing Algeria in some cases twice over from Home,3n to Bono and Tebessa, and from Philippeville to Constantine and Biskra, so as to enable him by actual investigations on the spot to describe the country, lakes, roads, Sre., as they are at the present time." —Messrs. Cook add to the obligations under which they have placed travelling mankind by publishing a Tourists' Handbook for Northern Italy. (Thomas Cook and Son : Hodder and Stoughten.)—Messrs. G. W. Silver's Handbook of South Attica (Silver and Co.) is intended for purposes of business rather than of pleasure. It contains copious information about the Cape Colony, Natal, the Diamond-fields, and the Trans-Orange Republic.