The Spanish Government has arrested five Radical Generals, among them
the notorious General Hidalgo, whose quarrel with the artillery produced such results, and exported them to the Canary Islands. It is believed that this measure was caused by fear of a new military pronunciamiento, this time directed against Alfonso and in favour of a Republic. The Times' correspondent in Paris appears to believe such an uprising possible, as the Army is thoroughly discontented with the conduct of the war, and the cities exasperated by concessions made to the priests. Outwardly, however, all is quiet, the war drags, and the Government occupies itself mainly with unintelligible changes among the higher officers of the Army. It is not impossible that the next experiment may be the Duke de Montpensier as Regent for life, his nephew, Alfoneo, who is very weary of his present ennuyant position, being sent to tarry at Jericho till his beard be grown.