In the Commons on Thursday the Chancellor of the Exchequer
made a statement as to how the rise in the cost of living had affected the King's financial position. In spite of the strict economy practised in the Royal Household, there was a deficit on the Civil List of £24,500 in 1919 and of 5.45,000 last year. In view of these circumstances, a Bill is being introduced to enable the Duchy of Lancaster to realize capital to the extent of £100,000, and to apply the proceeds to revenue. The only oommente we propose to make on these facts are : (1) No " uncertified "person in these islands believes the King and Queen to be extravagant, to be guilty of setting an example of luxurious living; (2) nobody wants to see the seemly, dignified, and appropriate system of entertaining practised in the British Court abandoned or reduced to mean and meagre proportions; (3) every one recognizes that the unceasing activity of the King and Queen in public work must be costly.