13 AUGUST 1921, page 25

The Rational Good. By L. T. Hobhouse. (g. Allen And

Unwin. Ss. 6d. net.)—This ably written " study in the logic of practice " is the first part of an inquiry into the function of reason in practical life. Professor Hobhouse......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Natio, in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.] The National Beriete for August has an instructive article by Mr. F. A. W. Osborne on " The Recoil of......

Why Men Believe : The Groundwork Of Apologetics. By The

Rev. Clement F. Rogers. (S.P.C.K. 2s. 6d. net.)—Professor Rogers has gained experience as a defender of Christian truth not merely by lecturing at King's College, but also by......

Makers Of The New World. By One Who Knows Them.

(Cassell. 7s. 6d. net.)—The author of these lively newspaper articles does not betray much knowledge - of his subjects, but he has collected some amusing anecdotes about them.......

It Might Have Happened To You. By Coningsby Dawson. (lane.

2s. 6d. net)—As Lord Weardale explains in his preface, this very impressionistic and gloomy account of conditions in Central Europe last winter is intended to raise......

Of Rochester Cathedral, Makes A Vigorous Protest Against...

musio that is too often heard in our churches. The clergy and the choirs sin through ignorance ; " it is, however, certain that the person at fault is only too often the......