A Hole In The Licensing Bill.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sae,—Section 5c of the Licensing Bill, which has just been put to the House of Lords, contains a provision which in all probability will......
(to The Editor Of The " Spectator.") Sir,—in Your Issue
of July 9th you most graciously comment upon the statue of Washington, recently placed in Trafalgar Square, and you raise a question as to the correctness of the phrase on the......
" The Law Of Births And Deaths."
(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Apparently Mr. J. S. N. Roche and Mr. Colin Campbell, in criticizing my book The Law of Births and Deaths, have fallen into the very......
11.1h Commonwealth Of Virginia. Lto The Editor Or The "
SPECTATOR.") Sin,—In your issue of July 9th you query if the Houdon statue should not have been inscribed as from the Dominion of Vir- ginia rather than, as it reads, from the......
(to The Editor Of The " Spectator.") Sat,—this Question Is
certainly the great crucial topic of civilization. May I be allowed to quote a passage from Ross's " Changing America," given in Stoddart Lothrop's great book, The Rising Tide......