It Is Pointed Out In Our Leading Columns How Important
it is that the Civil Service should not be underpaid, and shown that a liberal remuneration, intended to obtain the best brains for the public service, is not inconsistent with......
The Duke Of Portland, Speaking To His Tenants At Welbeck
Abbey, made a frank and sensible statement of his position as a great landowner with regard to the present system of land taxation. After describing the happy relations which......
The Daily Express, Which Is To Be Heartily Congratulated...
the good work which it has done in its recent articles on our bloated official expenditure, in the course of some very pertinent comments on the Report, makes the following......
On Monday The Government Released J. J. Mckeon From Prison.
When it was originally announced that thirty-four Sinn Fein prisoners should be released as part of the truce in Ireland, an exception was made in the case of McKeon on the......
The Government, By Muddling And Hesitation, Have Brought...
management of Irish affairs to such a terrible pass that we accept the negotiations with the Irish Republicans as inevitable. But we feel strongly that if any exceptions were to......
In View Of These Considerations, It Was Quite Reasonable For
Ministers to suggest, as they appear to have done, an increase to the Civil List. The King, however, very properly, as we hold, refused to agree to this proposal, and decided to......
This, Surely, Is The Right Attitude For The Great Landed
proprietors to take. They have no right to try to atop the working of the present law of the country. But they have every right to point out that the old system of land tenure......
The Report Of The Select Committee On Estimates Which Was
published on Tuesday gives some remarkable examples Of the way in which the problem of remunerating the Civil Service has been managed and is being managed—the salaries are in......
In The Commons On Thursday The Chancellor Of The Exchequer
made a statement as to how the rise in the cost of living had affected the King's financial position. In spite of the strict economy practised in the Royal Household, there was......
The Railways Bill Passed Its Third Reading In The House
of Commons on Tuesday night. It has had a rather troubled passage, and has come out considerably amended. The criticism of it has, however, been distinctly fragmentary and......
A Moment's Reflection Will Show That The Government...
reflected seriously upon what they were doing. The very logics which made McKeon an exception would have pre- vented the Government from entering into negotiations with the......
A New "celestial Body" Has Been Sighted From The Lick
Obser- vatory, California. It is described as a " starlike object, cm.* tainly brighter than Venus, 3 deg. east, 1 deg. south of the sun. Chances are in favour of its being the......
Bank Rate, 5i Per Cent., Changedfrom 6 Per Cent. July
21, iv21; 6 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 88A; Thursday week, 88A; a year ago, eq.......