(to The Editor 07 The " Spectator.") Sia,—has The Last
word been written as to Lord Byron? In all the reviews of Astarte I have seen no mention of Lord Broughton (Sir John Cain Hohhouse, who died in 1869). Yet I believe that there......
A Hole In The Licensing Bill.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sae,—Section 5c of the Licensing Bill, which has just been put to the House of Lords, contains a provision which in all probability will......
Britain, America, And Japan. (to The Editor Of The "
SPECTATOR.") Sm,—Your articles have made it perfectly clear that one of the most difficult and delicate questions to be dealt with at the World Conference will be the future......
" Astarte."
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—With regard to your review in the Spectator of August 6th, will you allow me to mention one or two facts which make Lady Byron's course......
Palestine And The Zionists.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, - It would require a volume, or at least a substantial pamphlet, to reply to the letter of Mr. Israel Cohen. I can only say that the......