Sunbeams on my Path. By Ebba J. D. Wright. (Nisbet.)—
This little volume contains "reminiscences of Christian work in various lands," by a lady who dates from Dublin, but whose father was Director of the Royal Mint in Stockholm. From a very early age she appears to have been engaged in what she terms Christian work, which seems, however, to have been much more of a philan- thropic than of a proselytising character. She travelled a great deal ; married an English clergyman, who was appointed chaplain in Dresden; and tended the sick and wounded during both the Crimean and Franco-German Wars. Naturally enough, she devotes herself chiefly to a description of the work she either witnessed or took a share in ; but incidentally she gives glimpses of the life and character of persons of all nationalities. The book is well illustrated, and being written in a most unpretentious style by a simple-minded devout, sympathetic, and courageous woman, will be much appreciated by readers of the class she specially appeals to.