Tenerife. By George W. Strettel. (fisher Unwin.)—so Much...
extravagant, says Mr. Strettel, has been said about the climate and scenery of Teneriffe, that he considers himself bound to place the true facts before the public. This he does......
How London Lives. By W. J. Gordon. (religious Tract...
—The sub-title of this volume (which is, we suppose, a reprint from the Leisure Hour) is as follows :—" The Feeding, Cleansing, Lighting, and Police of London, with Chapters on......
We Have To Acknowledge The Annual Volume, The Second Of
a new series, of Amateur Work, Illustrated (Ward, Lock, and Co.) It is described as " a practical magazine of constructive and decorative art and manual labour." Sundry......
Good Words. Edited By Donald Macleod, D.d. (isbister And...
Sunday Magazine. Edited by the Rev. Benjamin Waugh. (Same publishers.)—These two annual volumes are as good as usual. In the first, the chief serial stories are Mr. B. L.......
Scouting For Stanley In East Africa. By Thomas Stevens....
and Co.)—Mr. Stevens is the intrepid traveller who went round the world on a bicycle. The New York World sent him to Africa in search of such news as might satisfy the public......
Dumps And I. By Mrs. Parr. (methuen And Co.)—mrs. Parr
does not altogether overcome the difficulty of telling a story in the first person without affectation. When, indeed, the staple of a narrative is adventure, this difficulty is......
The Last Volume Of The Pulpit Commentary, Edited By The
Very Rev. H. D. M. Spence and the Rev. Joseph Exell (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.), is devoted to the "Epistle to the Romans." The " Exposition " is from the pen of the Rev. J.......
Nobody's Neighbour ; Or, Ja:k's Experiment, By Catharine...
F. Shaw), is a description of how a certain Master Jack, feeling himself " bothered by the womankind," thought that he should like to take up his quarters on an island, and how......
Cassell's Picturesque Australasia. Edited By E. E....
vols. (Cassell and Co.)—This work, which has been appearing as a weekly serial for now a considerable time, is at length com- pleted. It is not produced in the sumptuous style......
The Art Journal, 1890. (virtue And Co.) —this, The Latest
yearly volume of the oldest of the English art magazines, is equal to the tradition left by its predecessors. Of the twelve plate illus- trations, we prefer a photogravure, "......
The Marvellous Budget : Being 65,536 Stories Of Jack And
Jill. By the Rev. F. Bennett. (Cassell and Co.)—Mr. Bennett has four pages marked (1), four marked (2), and so on up to (8). Each of these may be read continuously with each of......