A Modern Milkmaid. By The Author Of " Commonplace Sinners."
2 vols. (Digby and Long.)—This is a book to be avoided by everyone who has any respect for good English or for good taste, either of matter or manner. Here are a few samples,......
Messrs. Marcus Ward And Co. Send Us Specimens Of Their
very elaborate Christmas and New Year's Cards, illustrated books of verse, and so forth. The landscapes are all beautiful in their way, and the flower-pieces too. We do not......
Messrs. Bemrose And Son Send Us Three Forma Of A
calendar intended to be hung up on a wall. These are the Daily Calendar, the Scriptural Calendar, and the Proverbial Calendar. The first gives information of sunrise and sunset......
Fulcher's Pocket-book. (peacock, Mansfield, And...
the pocket-books once so common in country towns. This is the sixty-seventh year of its life. It contains all the usual information, some poetry, chiefly by local versifiers,......
The Rive - Speaking Peoples Of The Slave Coast Of West...
By Major A. B. Ellis. (Chapman and Hall.)—We now find that in writing " The Tshi-Speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast," which was noticed in the Spectator (January 26th, 1889),......
Messrs. Hildesheimer And Co. (silk Street) Send Us...
their Christmas and New Year's Cards, containing some very large ones, and some cut out into the shape of human figures, representing Christmas and Christmas benefactors......