A Great Meeting Was Held In The Guildhall On Wednesday
to express sympathy with Jews under the renewed persecution of their race in Russia. The meeting had the approval of a great number of dignitaries, including Cardinal Manning,......
We Regret To Notice The Death Of Sir Barnes Peacock,
first known as a great black-letter lawyer, and afterwards one of the ablest Legislative Members ever sent to India. He had the honour of causing an Act of Parliament to be......
Professor S. H. Butcher, Who Is An Irishman, Though He
lives and works most efficiently in Edinburgh, warns English- men that the control of the Irish Constabulary may mean a great deal for England. If the Home-rulers obtain it,......
Sir R. Temple On Thursday Produced The Half-yearly Budget Of
the London School Board, covering the half-year from March to September, 1891. He expects to spend £958,000, an increase of £60,000 over the corresponding half of the present......
Universal Suffrage Was Tried For The First Time In Spain
on December 7th, the occasion being the election of the Provincial Councils-General. The result, according to a telegram in the Times of Tuesday, has been a great surprise. The......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent. New Consols (2k) Were On
Friday 951 to 95i,......
In The Rotunda In Dublin, Mr. Parnell Made A Considerable
speech on Wednesday, of the drift of which we have said enough elsewhere. There was visible in it an odd con- flict between his desire to humiliate Mr. Gladstone and his desire......
It Is Rumoured In Paris That As Soon As The
new French loan of £36,000,000 has been subscribed (January 22nd), the Cabinet will be reorganised. M. de Freycinet, who has just been elected to the Academy, will probably......
As We Expected, There Is To Be Trouble Over Mutaca's
country, the district entered by the British South African Company, but claimed by the Portuguese. The people in Lisbon are sending out volunteers and regulars to defend it. Mr.......
We Hardly Understand The Great Interest Taken In The Case
of the Pelican Club, unless, indeed, the " sporting " section of society was anxious to be sure whether it could " sport " in buildings of its own without interference from the......