13 DECEMBER 1890, page 16

Memory Of Birds.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Your readers may be interested by the following in- cident displaying the wonderful power of memory which some birds possess. Some......


IN MEMORIAM : THE DEAN OF ST. PAUL'S. "ASHES to ashes, dust to dust," In broken voice he said, Committing to the grave in love and trust. The body of the dead. Again must men......


CALL, and I follow, power unknown ; Thy summons has a sovereign tone, As trumpet stern in morning air To bid to duties fresh repair, Or bugle soft, with evening dew, To cleanse......

"robert Elsmere " And University Hall.

ITO THE EDITOR or TEE " 1211PECTATOR." J SIR, —I am very loth to say anything more in public just yet about University Hall. We have had our full share of public attention for......


LORD MELBOURNE,* IT is hard to imagine a better piece of work than this short study of Lord Melbourne by Mr. Dunckley. Of all the Queen's Prime Ministers, Lord Melbourne was......