13 DECEMBER 1930, Page 1

India and the Conference

The week has beiM marked by steady progress in the Sub-committees of the Round Table Conference. The news from India, however, is very painful by contrast. On Monday; Colonel N. S. Simpson, Inspector-General of Prisons in Bengal, was murdered at Government headquarters by three Bengali raiders. The men attempted 'other outrages, and finally turned their revolvers -upon- themselves. Colonel Simpson was the 'beSt type of British Civil Servant ; lie had been an enthusiastic prison refortner, having studied the gaol System in Other' countries. On 'Tuesday tit Lahore a British'offie'er Was shut on parade by a Sepoy, who then committed suicide. The Government of India com- munique continues to record clashes between the police and the mob, and communal disturbances in Bombay. Mn. V. J. Patel has been re-arrested.