13 DECEMBER 1930, page 34

A Jackamo Is A Greenhorn. And The Journal Of Et

Jackaroo (Lane. 105. 6d.), told by Frank Ives and written down by Gascoigne I. ley," recounts adventures encountered by the former when he went out to North Queensland at the......

An Epic Written In These Days Wears A Slightly...

stir. It must either seem archaic or make bold-use of-modern terminology and that needs courage. Courage. Mr. ,Shane Leslie has never lacked : and in The Epic of Jutland (Bent!,......

Escape Books Kelp Getting Better As The War Recedes Further

into the background of history, and one of the best yet written is Within Four Walls, by Major M. C. C. Harrison :Ind Captain H. A. Cartwright (Arnold. 10s. 6d.). The authors......

Persian Paintings At Burlington House

Prionnimy by now most people realize that the Internationd Exhibition of Persian Art, which opens at the Royal Academy on January 7th, is something rather different front the......

Answers To Questions On The Wisdom Of Youth

1. Elam, Job 32.--2. Samuel. 1 Sam. -3..loseph, Gen. 41. - --4. Daniel. Dim. 1.--5. Gideon. Judges 6. 6. David, P K -, s and 19.-7. Isaac, Cen. 24. 63.--s. Joshua and Caleb.......

Last Week We Reco Tttt »ended The L'ax Series Of

Christmas cards. We should like to draw our readers' attention to the fact that they can be obtained from the Pax Shop, 351, Slotme Street (11a11s Crescent). S.W. 1.......

Dr. G. C. Coulton's The Meditteral Seem. ((ambridge...

Press, 55.) is suffleiently defined by its sub-title -'• informal Introduction to the Middle Ages." This little hook is in find an elementary guide to mediaeval thought, with......

Some Letters Front Abroad Of James Elroy Fierher. With...

by He116 Hecker and an admirable introduction by Mr. J. C. Squire (Heinemann. 8s. Od.), kept this reviewer awake until the small hours, for there is something about the vivid......

A Library List

CHRISTMAS BOOKS AM) NKIV EDITIONS :--Trues from Chaucer: The CankrburyTales. Done Into Prose by Eleanor Farjeon. Illustrated by W. Russell Flint. (Medici Society. 7s. (Id.) The......