13 DECEMBER 1930, page 1

We Should Like Nothing Better Than To He Pmved Entirely

wrong. We cannot. however, iglu ire t he iii isgi vii ig of the United States and the open displeasure of Germany. Mr. Hugh Gibson, the United Stales delegate, declared on......

India And The Conference

The week has beiM marked by steady progress in the Sub-committees of the Round Table Conference. The news from India, however, is very painful by contrast. On Monday; Colonel N.......

. News Of The Week

Disarmament O N ' Tuesday the Preparatory Commission for tine Disarmament Conference completed its Convention. Nearlyfive years have been spent upon this draft; which will be......

Editorial And Publlsiiing Offices 99 Gower Street,...

Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part. of the world. The SrECTATon is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this......

* * * * The Lesson Of This Should Be

obvious. The police in India are subjected to a terrific strain, and the mere fact that there have been only eight fatal assaults in the last two years in spite of extremist......

Lord Cecil Has Eonvineed Himself That Such All Agreement As

is embodied in the Convention is better than none, because without iigrecnient there mold he no hasis for the Disarmament Conference. We dould the validity of I his reasoning.......