13 DECEMBER 1930, page 3

The Spreadover, Which Provides Temporarily For An...

eleven days in a fortnight (almost the same thing as a seven-and-a-half-hour day in the ordinary reckoning) may well remain in use for longer than the contemplated three months......

* * * * The Government, The Liberals And Electoral

Reform The Prime Minister has promised the early introduction of an Electoral Reform Bill, but nobody outside the Government yet knows what will be in it. Meanwhile the promise......

A Welcome Dose Of Common Sense About Foreign Tariffs Was

administered by Sir William Beveridge, who spoke on the wireless on Thursday, December 4th, in reply to Lord Bcaverbrook. By an analysis of British unemploy- ment he showed that......

* * * * The Question For The Liberals Therefore

was : " II you cannot get Proportional Representation is it worth while to get the second best ? " Although he did not himself believe in the Alternative Vote he thought that it......

* * * *

The remedy, he thinks, must conic mainly from the Banks with which the industries most in need of re- organization have " frozen " overdrafts. Acting together the Banks should......

British Trade, Tariffs And Commonsense

Two articles by Sir Arthur Salter, which were published in the Tunes on Monday and Tuesday, might have beim specially written to expose the useless:.. to British trade of the......

- Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent., Changed From 31 Per Cent.

on May 1st. 1930. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 103; on Wednesday week, 1021; a year ago, Mi. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 95; on Wednesday week, 942; a......

After Having Presented This Apparently Clear Ease For...

the Government in power Mr. Lloyd George threw several sops to Sir John Simon. For instance, "We Liberals have been a - little too timid. It would have been a very good thing to......