British Trade, Tariffs and Commonsense
Two articles by Sir Arthur Salter, which were published in the Tunes on Monday and Tuesday, might have beim specially written to expose the useless:.. to British trade of the ingredients which make up t he Mosley mixture. Sir Arthur brings its up sharply against t he unpleasant fact that the British share in the trade of the world was falling off before the present economic blizzard began to blow. He reminds us also that, apart from the woes of our essential export trade, we are failing to make progress as rapid as that of other countries in the new industries. This is due, he argues, to a peculiarly rigid and inelastic economic system which is seen in is conservatism of methods, in an undue tolerance for the hereditary prin- ciple in industry, in the divorce of banking from prod Ile - tion, and in the defensive and protective character of the organizations of both employers and Trade Unions.