13 DECEMBER 1930, page 28
The Translation Of John Sebastian
Ma. It t - TiAxo Bovc IITON brings to his study of John Sebastian Bevil a sincerity so clear and a concentration so intense that the reading of it has been (for me) a close and......
Architects Of Character
Fifty Years Against the Stream. By E. D. Tyndale Bk., (Wesleyan Methodist Press, Mysore. Is.) " A SNOLI: and a stick will carry you through most dillicultiei in this life," says......
Queer Things About Cats
The Cat in the Mysteries of Religion and Magic. By M. 01,1field Jiunvec.(Ruder. 15..) eil hy Tony Pass.) IT is a strange fact that when the human animal tries to make use of the......