Escape books kelp getting better as the War recedes further
into the background of history, and one of the best yet written is Within Four Walls, by Major M. C. C. Harrison :Ind Captain H. A. Cartwright (Arnold. 10s. 6d.). The authors tried to escape nearly a dozen tifileS, and were court- martialled and " strafed " 011 n ttttt emus occasions, but hardships never daunted their spirit. Both must have been . magnilieent men, and tlwre is romance in the fact that Captain Cartwright's fiancee was instrumental in assisting ltbi escape front Aachen, near the Dutch frontier, by supplying hiln with the necessary maps and disguises. Captain Cart- wright has illustrated the book very amusingly : it is a I ost vivid and lively record of deeds which were as gallant as any done on the battlefield.