A Library List
CHRISTMAS BOOKS AM) NKIV EDITIONS :--Trues from Chaucer: The CankrburyTales. Done Into Prose by Eleanor Farjeon. Illustrated by W. Russell Flint. (Medici Society. 7s. (Id.) The Canterbury Tales : Six Tales and Six Lyrics. By Geoffrey Chaucer. Translated by F. E. Hill. Illustrated by Hermann Rosse. (Longinans, Green. 17s. (Id.)- The Golden Arrow. By Mary Webb. Illustrated by Norman Hepple. ((ape. is. 6d.) The Pilgrim's Progress. By John Bunyan. (('onstable. 5s.)-The Red Lily. By Anatole France. Illustrated by Donia Nachseit. (Bodlcy Head. 16s.)-Fenice and Its Story. By Thomas ()key. Illustrated by 0. F. M. Ward and N. Erichsen. (Dent. 13s.)----The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Chub. By Charles Dickens. Illustrated hy ('. E. Brock. (Harmp. Lis.)--Ont of the Ark. 13.v R. 1). (Davies. (ls.)----John Austen and the Insepar- Nes. By Dorothy Richardson. (Jackson, 18 Took's Court, E.C. 4. 3s. 6d.)---The Georgian Confession Book. Compiled by Gilbert H. Fabes. (Foyle. 7s. 6d.) ---Tamburlaine the Great. By Christopher Marlowe. Illustrated by R. S. Sherriffs. (Hesperides Press. I:3 3s.) -More Ruthless Rhymes. By Harry Graham. (Arnold. 3s. 6d.)--The Rabaiyal of Omar Khayyam. Illustrated by Ronald Balfour. (Constable. 7s. 6d.) REFERENCE BOOKS :-Keilds Handbook to the Tilled, Landed. and Official ('lasses. 1931. (186 Strand, W.C. 2. 30s.) -- - Post Office London Directory, 1931. (Kelly's. 5Ss.) • - Burke's Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage, 1931. (Burke's Peerage Ltd., 66 Basinghall Street, E.C. 2. £5 Ss.) - • The Girls' School Year Book, 1930-1. (Year Book Press. 7s. 6d.)--Soidh American Handbook, 1931. (Trade and Travel Publications. Ltd., 14 Leadenhall Street, E.C. 3. 2s. (kW-Tit-Bits Year Book, 1931. (Newnes. Is.)-- - Royal Mae Book, 1931. (Kelly's. is. 6d.)-7'he Kalendar, 1931. (9 Conduit Street, W., 1. Its. 9(1.)---The Fleet Street Annual, 1931. (Heel Publications, 9 Palace Gate, W. 8. 2s. 1141.)-11-hifaker's Almattack. 1931. (12 Warwick Lane. E.C. 4. (is.)