13 DECEMBER 1930, Page 13

Gramophone Notes

COLUMBIA ILIS hOlVed tilt' probleIll of Christmas presents for many people by issuing a smart, recording of Mozart's Quintet in G minor, played by the lamer Quartet and an extra x.iola player. There are four record, and they cost 26s. It is hard to overestimate the value of these, far at once it becomes possible for hundreds of peopli• to hear constantly one of the really great musical compositions. which hillwrti.a one would have been lucky to hear once in three years. No single iffilc can be chosen as better than another, and 1 eats only beg that as Christmas eontes but rinse a year every reader of these notes will buy the whole set. Next after this. I recommend nt11110 1Valter's eondlot the Rose Cavalier waltzes, also a Columbia disk:I have already spoken id' I L.rr Walter's superlative recording t1itid i lie., and this disk illustrates them, perhaps, better than any other.

More likely to be missed. though as likely to give pleasure, are three disks issued tv Parloplione MO 20117 III. On these Conchita Superyia sings Iht Falhifs St'Vell Pa Ii1111111' Songs. The growing affection for Spanish rhythms ought to ensure these it great welcome, and they are more autlientie than inns-hi that passes as Spanish in the hands of foreign composers. And that reminds IIIC that several correspondents have written for more particulars of La Argentina's recruits. These are issued by l'arlophotte. and the Bolero by Iradit-y appears with a Serenata by INIBItliti Olt It 650. Now that th- Ravel Bolero has taken the world by storm. it is partiettiatty interesting to hear such a disk ; and the castlines or the great dancer have an amazing power of evoking tht• sight if the dance for any who have seen it in Spain. I mania help feeling that the admittedly lighter musie on tIM: dist likely to outlast the sophistieation of Ravers fottr-sidtal excitement. I.ti Argentina has also been recorded on It 577 in a Granados piece, and one I iy Valverde. It is worth while trying to hear SI II Ile of the hidden treasure to be found in foreign lists of disks not issued in England. II.M.V. has an especially fine lot of Spanish music only isstu‘il in Spain. In a month or so I hope to write an arta-le on this. but readers who are interested in such music. so difficult to obtain. will be glad to k • that Lex.y.s. 10 20 High Street, 1Vbitechapel, E. 1. can import them at priees cheaper than those eurrent in Spain. I think that, if sufficient people would show an interest. II.M.V. might be persuaded to issue an album called " Iberia." containing some representa- tive national and regional Spanish music. 1Ve have four separate recordings now of the Slivel Bolero, and yet we are not allowed to hear the exquisite siotas, sardatias. cant, flamenco. Asturean and Basque dances whiell have been done for the gramophone by the &WAIL

Several South American correspondents have written of the difficulty of getting I and other records front I think most of their troubles would be at an end if they would write to the Gramophone Shop. 18 East Forty-eight It St reel, New York City, which has special facilities hir sending im- ported disks anywhere in the Americium Continent. Another .iildress which will lie viihiillile ttittierseits render, is Imhof House, New Oxtbril Stivel, London. linhors can be relied upon to send implayed records to any part of the

world in the shortest possible lime. Finally. Prowse are the English agents for German l'olydia. records. Polt.dor have published perhaps the finest of all piano disks so lar, and for German !leder their lists :ire unsurpassed. Nobody who rea113.. values the gramophone kir what il tan give should fail tO keep on their shelve, CI linplete catalogues of Polyilor. Columbia, :Ind Parloplione :fficl there an- several London shops :ffile and gise honest informa- tion as to which of rival recording, is musieally superior since the issue of any work hy one (.11111p:Illy seellIS 10 lit' regarded by all the °the!. companies :1, a eluilleuge to issue the sante work. such (-spelt information is often necessary.

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