13 DECEMBER 1930, Page 15


I quoted last week the example of a calendar putulislasi by the " Men of the Trees " as one sign of the prevalenee of "rural bias." In the saine line of c try several Christ - 111as-time prodnetions deserve at One of the it Lost charming pielltres or a bird I ever slaw it is suggestive of in

Japanese print in some at is published as a Christiists .card by the Norfolk Naturalists' Trust on behalf of its funds for the purchase of Alder Fen Sanctuary, for which WM) is still needed and for other beneficent work. This bearded tit, faithfully coloured and characteristically perched on a Norfolk Reed, is a delightful work of art. apart from its interest for naturalists. and can be purchased for tcl. from the 'resist at 31 Surrey Street, Norwich. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds publishes a card of similar qualities. This year the bird selected is a wheat ear, depicted by Thorlams. Some of the latest diaries illustrate the same rural tendencies. There is a Letts' Fanner'g and Connfrysnan'm Pocket Inary, quite new iii design, edited by Mr ,\Ilseturook, welt -known for his official energy in making the agrietiltund show (especi- ally in " the three counties ") an educational subjeet. Ile too, incidentally, is an ardent admirer of the "Men of the Trees " movement. It is to be lamed that it will be perfected in subsequent years, till it becomes in its sphere aS good as the model R.II.S. Gardenee$ !Nary, which is almost an encyclopaedia of useful garden information.