13 DECEMBER 1930, Page 2

* * * * It is to be hoped that

an Interim Report, which may be the most important of a sequence of Reports and which must indicate the character of its successors, will be issued very quickly. If only Unemployment Insurance can be removed from the influence of electoral bargaining the gain will be enormous. There is no saying how many good results might not follow upon this example. A " National Government," representing all Parties, seems to be impracticable, because the greatest common measure of agreement would not be nearly great enough. The Liberals, and most of the Labour Party, would not agree to tariffs, and the Unionists would not agree to any solution of the economic problem which omitted tariffs. There arc, however, several notorious subjects which together account for a large proportion of the excessive public expenditure, and which could be bodily removed from Party competition. Unemployment Insur- ance is the chief of thou. With these subjects removed there could easily be a national spirit in the administra- tion of funds which have caused widespread demoraliza- tion among politicians.

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