13 MAY 1911, Page 20



(To be sung to the tune of Luther's Chorale, " Eine feste Burg.")

Of old our London bath renown, Of God are her foundations ; Wherein this day a King we crown Elate among the nations.

Acknowledge then, thou King, And you, ye People, sing, What God so bless'd your birth, Enlarging wide o'er Earth Your peaceful habitations.

So long, so far Jehovah bath, By pastures green attending, For us prepared our fathers' path Toward His hill ascending : Whence we, beneath the stays, Behold their ancient wars, Their ancient wrongs removed, Yea, in one purpose proved Of Love all-comprehending.

His was that Law to man which spake From Sinai forth in thunder; His was that Love for man which bralx Tlie dreadful grave asunder.

Lord over ev'ry Lord, His consecrating word An earthly Prince awaits.

Lift then your heads, ye gates, Your God comes riding under !

Be ye lift up, ye deathless doors, Let wave your banners o'er Him ! Exult, ye streets ; be strewn, ye floors, With palm, with bay, before Him !

Triumphant fetch Him in, Ye ransom'd folk from sin- . Your God rides through to bless!

0 kneeling King, confess.- 0 subject men, adore Him!
