13 MAY 1911, page 20


PROFESSOR MURRAY'S " CEDIPTJS THE KING." THE CEdipus .Rex is one of the masterpieces of the stage. No • later tragedy shows finer skill in the development of the plot, and in......

Ito The Editor Op The "spectator. "] Sra, — Apart From...

powers in the human race which seem hardly to have any terrestrial use, these stories— such as the excellent one given in your issue of last week of the furniture dealer and his......

Notice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed With...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......

[to Ter Editor Of Me " Spectator."] Sra,—the Letter In

your paper headed " A Phantasm of the-• Living," and signed " A. B.," interested Me greatly, and venture to send you the following similar experience. In a.." , recent letter......

Poetry. .

CORONATION HYMN. (To be sung to the tune of Luther's Chorale, " Eine feste Burg.") Of old our London bath renown, Of God are her foundations ; Wherein this day a King we crown......

[to The Editor 01 The "spectator, "]

Sra,—Your correspondent "A. B." dreamt that her son was ill, and the dream proved true. There is nothing wonderful in that. As to the phantasm and his speech—pooh ! She was......