13 MAY 1911, Page 19

[To TER EDITOR OF ME " SPECTATOR."] Sra,—The letter in

your paper headed " A Phantasm of the-• Living," and signed " A. B.," interested Me greatly, and venture to send you the following similar experience. In a.." ,recent letter received from my son -in .British East shiest says, " Yesterday I had a dream ; I saw you at the ' Boot Inn,' and you were talking to Mrs. —. It was so vivid. I felt quite homesick the whole of the next day." After reading his letter I referred to my diary, and found that on that day. I was at the " Boot Inn" (where I seldom call), and talking with the said Mrs.—, whom I had not seen for several years, she having unexpectedly come back into this pariah, which she had left. I think you will agree that my experience is as

curious as that of "A. B."—I am, Sir, &c., M. B.