13 MAY 1911, page 14

[to The Editor Op The "spectator."] Sir,—" A Lay...

" letter in your issue of April 29th gives vent to a serious grievance, but suggests no remedy., At present the House of Laymen consists almost entirely of landowners and the......

The Bishop Of Hereford And Nonconformists.

rre EDINS " SPEcTAT01."1 Silk—The Bishop of Hereford has invited 'unconfirmed Christians to join in Communion in his Cathedral, and has net the expected Ecclesiastical and......

The House Of Laymen,

[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.1 Sin,—The letter of " A Lay Representative " in the issue of April 29th reveals a lamentable state of affairs, but one which is surely not......

Islam In India.

[To me EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOE."] SIR, —The Nationalist and Progressive Hindu parties in India have ventilated their views so freely in Great Britain, that those who have no......